Investment in Self







Currently working out my company accounts,  I have to admit I felt a little depressed about how much money I’ve spent whilst not earning anything.  Since filming The Cake Maker in February 2010, I’ve been a full-time mother raising my two children who are now five and three.

At one point last year, I had to sit down and reflect on my choice of career.  Ask myself why I chose to do this and was it the best way to raise  a family.  Applying for the Women and Film Television Mentoring Scheme, allowed me to take stock of where I was and where I wanted to be in the future.  The conclusion I came to was that if anything, I’m teaching my children to pursue their dreams and I wouldn’t be happy doing anything else.  I realised I was actually very lucky having a clear goal in  life.

The basics of every day living, like earning money, is what keeps so many people out of film.  Having heard it so many times, I accept making money is challenging.  Surviving is the reality.  We have to think of new ways to generate income from our content.  But I’ve never allowed a lack of money prevent me from doing what I wanted to do.  I’ve never had any money so that would have meant no university, no going to America to study for a month and no to making films.

Yes, there is a lot of putting your hand in your own pocket, but as my brother ( also my accountant) pointed out. When I start making money, I can offset a lose against the profit.